The animals are soggy and give me disparaging looks when I open the barn and shoo them out in the morning. The mud gets to me a bit too. It's hard to believe that in just a short month or so we will be shearing. This will be my first year with Danarious, my rose grey suri and I can't wait to get it cleaned and ready to spin.

With the coming of spring also means that I am gearing up to start vending at events and, my favorite, Farmers Market. This year I'm hoping to talk my new friend up the street to sell goat milk soap with me at the booth. Maybe knit up some alpaca loofah soap bags to go with them. Teresa raises heritage breed goats at Quartz Ridge Ranch both for milk and meat and I am pleased to have met her!
My first event this year will be in Cool, CA at Northside school for their Civil War reenactment event April 14 and 15. I will be duly occupied also as a 4-H representative. If you have any questions about getting involved with 4-H I hope I can answer them for you. As always I will have yarn, shawls, gloves, and maybe a hat or two. I will also have drop spindles and fiber for those of you who like to start from the beginning.
No dates for shearing yet but my shearer has had a pretty tough year, so I'm sure I'll hear from him soon.
Life here gets busier all the time. We are getting ready for planting season, I have a couple of students coming to learn about the animals and the process of bringing fiber from raw to yarn, and getting ready for El Dorado County Fair.
Soon we'll also break out the incubator and work on getting some baby ducks.

I love spring and all the action just waiting around the corner!
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