Today is our first day of school. That is that our home school teacher from the charter school that we use made us her first stop and we talked about what the kids will be doing this learning period and some where in there we talked about M's missing teeth, riding bikes, how to avoid the bureaucracy of the school system while still satisfying the needs of the monster. Then we talked about gardens and dogs and alpacas followed with ducks and plumbing. Yes. Plumbing. Because she is just all that kinds of cool. She also spins fire and hoops and she's the most wonderful 58 year old any home-schooler could wish for.
While all that was going on C was still in bed, E was out helping Daddy lay rock and pour cement for our soon to be chicken coop while the chickens and ducks looked on with approval. Ms. M rode around on her bike displaying her not so new to her but new to Teacher ability to ride on two wheels. A good first day if I do say so myself. We top the day off with our usual Tuesday ritual of gymnastics and karate.
All three of them will test for their next belts on the 17th.
Before all that I found myself with a chicken in my lap while I doctored it's foot. No I don't know why it has that swollen bump on it's foot. It could be a bug that burrowed from the top, but it could just be bumble foot because our current roosts are square and not round. This will be remedied with the New and Improved Coop
Yes, tomorrow we will dig in and use books and get back to our regularly scheduled program. E will have to get up with his daddy and get his chores done before leaving for a writing class and then the little's and I will get reacquainted with their reading, rit'n and rithmatic. We'll also watch Magic School Bus and pick squash out of the garden.
I don't really want to start school. It's still too warm to think about school.
I have started a new shawl. This one is with the "herd blend" that New Era sent back to me and it's going to be very light weight and open. Me, being me and only able to hold my attention to three things at a time, will probably also start a nice winter hat with some of the black from the mill as well.
Next! I must learn to use a lathe! My shawls need pins and it would be fun if I made those as well. Must dust off lathe.
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